Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby is a Columbus Doctor, a medically trained mind who is not afraid to explore new terrains…There are far too few of you. A handful of advanced thinkers out of 7 billion.

~ John Hillok Kumpunen, M.A

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Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby is a Columbus Doctor, a medically trained mind who is not afraid to explore new terrains…There are far too few of you. A handful of advanced thinkers out of 7 billion.

~ John Hillok Kumpunen, M.A

Sign Up Here To Make Sure You Get Notified When Dr. Keith Publishes A New Podcast



The FINAL Truth About The Rife Machine

Guest: Josh Parker It means most of the online offerings are phoney. They might work a little, as a PEME devices (pulsed electro-magnetic energy). But these are NOT Rife machines, proper, despite the wild (and...

Who Moved My Chi

Guest: Steve McCardell Talking with a friend who is the author of a lovely book: WHO MOVED MY CHI? (Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson, get it?) Steve writes lovingly about 3 centers: heart-centered...

Have A Most Wonderful Sex Life – Right Till The End!

Guest: Susan Bratton My friend Suze is an awesome woman… Blonde, beautiful, intelligent (no blonde jokes,please) and caring. For many years she has been helping couples achieve more frankness (essential in arelationship), a more relaxed attitude,...

Hobbling Along and Going Strong

Guest: Karla Kay The lady is a true force of nature! Haha! Karla Kay has been a fan of mine for nearly 20 years and me a fan of hers! It's no surprise that when we...

Pueraria Mirifica World’s Top Expert

HRT Herbal Remedy from Thailand (Joke) Guest: Dr. Sandford "Sandy" Schwartz Dr. Sandy and I have been friends for well over a decade, drawn together by one herb: Pueraria mirifica (plus we both have a weird...
dental work

The Scariest Health Hazard Of All

Guest: Victoria Da Costa It’s been a saying of mine for decades that dentists don’t know how many people they kill. There’s no feedback; how could they?  See, doctors NEVER ask, “Have you had any recent...
