Largest Self-Development Site On The Web

How The Trans4mind Site Came Into Being and Why!

Guest: Pete Shepherd

Pete Shepherd and I have been pals for over 30 years. Pete was active on the Web years before me and he acted as my mentor in the early years of setting up

www.Trans4mind is without question the biggest, best and most transformative of the the many self-growth self-development websites. There are close on 10,000 pages up there, PACKED with valuable information for the seeker.

You’ll hear me grill Pete about his roots and philosophies. How he came to set up such a profound website. I even tackled him on the fact that a group in Lybia elected him as a god! Although Pete is one of the most modest of men, there is no question that he was viewed with awe by some individuals struggling to find meaning in their life.

To them, he was a god!


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