Jerry C and Finding Inner Peace

Interview with my dear friend Jerry C

Guest: Jerry C

Jerry C, spiritual pioneer and loving human being!

Over the years I’ve met some pretty amazing people. They are not always celebrities or captains of industry… but the world is a better place that they are here in it!

One such is my dear friend Jerry, who just gives and gives and gives.

Starting with the work of a late mutual friend: rev. Bob Ross, Jerry came up with a wonderful “release” process, w-a-a-a-y-y better than Lester Levenson’s technique or Hale Dwoskins knock off version, the Sedona Method. He called it “Finding Inner Peace” which has become a bit of a hackneyed trope but not Jerry’s method.

It’s wonderful.

That led to a further refinement he called “Healing The Me I See In You” (get it? What you are complaining about in your relationships is really YOUR “stuff”, not the other person’s).

With the restraints of time, we decided not to try and teach it to you in the podcast. BUT EVERYTHING WE TALK ABOUT IS FREELY AVAILABLE ONLINE AT NO COST (gifts from Jerry).

Here are your links: (an interactive site where the software is your “facilitator”!)

HEALING THE ME I SEE IN YOU and CLOSENESS IN LOVE. Get a free eBook here which gives all instructions:

Series of YouTube videos on Closeness In Love:

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Part 4.

Part 5.

Part 6.


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