Electro-Magnetic Field Forces: Time To Worry!

It’s not all about 5G. We are already drenched in dangerous radiation. You should be scared!

Guest: Lloyd Burrell

Lloyd Burrell is one of humanity’s way-cool individuals. Like many people, he became seriously sick due to some “unknown” cause. Doctors couldn’t help and eventually started to suggest it was “all in his mind”. In time, Lloyd tracked his problem back to unseen electromagnetic radiation. It’s not just about cell phones (though they are BAD). The electrical equipment in your home, the wiring in the walls, switches and connectors, solar panels, mobile devices of all kinds AND EVEN THE EQUIPMENT IN YOUR NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR’S PROPERTY CAN SPRAY YOU WITH EVIL RADIATION!

Yet so few people really understand the extent of the problem. They are not aware of the dangers and buy into the official propaganda, that everything is safe (remember doctors 50 years ago going on TV, smoking, and saying tobacco is proven to be quite safe?)

Lloyd, founder of the internet mega-site www.electricsense.com, has done a magnificent job in compiling all the important aspects of the problem, just what a real hazard uncontrolled electricity can be and–most important of all–he gives us plentiful solutions in his masterwork: THE EMF PRACTICAL GUIDE.

The book contains pages and pages of solutions for all levels, from those who must avoid radiation as much as possible, to those who are not so concerned and want some cheap but EFFECTIVE ways to reduce exposure. Join me while I grill him and get his take on today’s real “pandemic”: EMF radiation! Get yourself a copy here: www.ElectricSense.com


    • Yes, sure Vince.
      Do you go out live? I’m in the UK
      for less than a week now. Then we
      would have to do it from my home in Las Vegas.
      A recoding would make everything easy, of course 😉

  1. Took care of the EMF by wearing gem stones. The 5 Gs are worse. Germanium is what protects from them. then of course there are the chemicals in the air from all the fires and the stuff to put them out…………..


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