Secrets Of A Master Dentist

Why so much ill health stems from the mouth. You’ll be scared!

Guest: Dr. John Roberts

John Roberts and I have been pals and colleagues for what seems like forever. I have championed his work for decades and he mine.

John is one of the world’s most knowledgeable dentists. He is also lovely and cuddly. John lives and breathes holistic health, from proper breathing to sleep; mercury toxicity to Weston Price; nutrition to gum dangers. You’ll be enthralled. For this podcast I grilled John on many aspects of the teachings of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT):

John has been my go-to for difficult questions surrounding the mouth and teeth: TMJ, gum infections, oral galvanometry (metals in the mouth act like little batteries, in the presence of wet and salts, such as saliva). The currents generated can exceed the level in your brain and interfere considerably with clear thinking and reflex coordination.

Listen to this chatsy, old pals, interview. You’ll learn a lot and maybe find a new direction for your health.

The BENSMAPS John refers too, by the way (still in development), is: Breathing, Environment, Nutrition, Sleep, Movement, Attitude, Potential and Stress.


  1. Thanks Dr. Keith. John was fascinating! I learned a lot.

    I’ve been using Avassia micro current treatments on my husband’s dental bone to heal the bone so the dentist can do an implant. I met John Hache at one of your workshops in Vegas several years ago and have gotten very involved in those trainings. Daily doing Vagus Nerve stimulations on Alpha on my right side for my heart and lungs. I’m still thinking about getting Vielight, and was wondering if you still are selling them and using them yourself. My mother had a stroke at 80 and heart disease is in the family so I’d like to keep my blood flowing well. I read a white sheet on Vielight treatment for Covid possibly too. Hmm..??
    Anyway, just wanted you to know I use your Vit C and like it. Always enjoy the articles you share. thank you for sharing John Hache and Lorry. Microcurrent has been a game changer for my family and friends . It’s truly amazing how many people walk around in pain.
    Best wishes, to you and your lovely wife too

    Brenda Schwartz

  2. It is clear to me that “officially sanctioned” Dentistry Regulatory Associations are organizations that are put in place to protect the dentistry business model from public scrutiny and liability They are not in place to protect the private patients and certainly not the public in general. It is an historical fact that it takes a generation or more, the next generation (after the residing cohort of medical experts have died off or retired), to have the status quo of vested interest, bad ideas, dangerous practices, and hypocritical (self-interested) regulations that are imposed on the professional members and the public to be turfed, demonized and replaced, once someone has dared to expose them as fraudulent smoke and mirrors or at worst out
    right quackery. Sadly most clients and the public in general have to suffer through the resistance of the Establishment Experts (whom are usually making barrow fulls of cash) to accept the facts that in fact they were not experts at all and that all this time they were little more than snake oil salesmen with a drill and a degree and certificate in oral pain relief techniques. Keep the pressure on… all lives matter and it begins in the mouth.

    • Hi Gary,
      John Roberts is fairly leery about giving out his phone number
      (I would be too!) But he has approved sharing his email address with you.
      Start from here: John Roberts


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